Available Appointed Executive Positions
Appointed Positions with 2 year terms completed in 2017:
* Regional Representative Red Deer (term complete May 2017)
* Regional Representative Central-East (term complete May 2017)
* Regional Representative Central West (term complete May 2017)
* Regional Representative Northeast (term complete May 2017)
* Runner/Sprinter Editor (term complete May 2017)
* Comprehensive School Health (term complete May 2017)
Elected Positions
Held at the Annual General Meeting at the 2017 HPEC Conference
* VP Communication (2 Year Term)
* Vice-President Pedagogy & Curriculum Leadership (2 year term)
* President Elect (1 year term as President-Elect; 2 year term as President; 1 year term as Past-President)
If you are interested in a position listed on this page or in becoming involved with the HPEC executive but are not sure what the first step is please complete the Executive Member Application form.